To Write and Remember
“Write about it!” That’s my answer to many remarks made in my high school classes.
“I’m having the worst day ever, Mrs. Bader.”
“Write about it!” I respond.
“I don’t want to write about it, Mrs. Bader.”
“Write about the fact that you don’t want to write about it!” I respond once more.
At this point in the school year, some of my students will even make the predictable response before I do!
It’s no secret how I feel about writing. I love it! I love it! I love it! Repetition in writing is for emphasis, and the emphasis is needed for writing excites me and thrills me. I love it, I enjoy it, and I want to write – all the time. Just the other day, one of my friends commented to another: “Watch out! She’ll write about that!” And I did!
In the morning, I look forward to waking up (sometimes at 4:00 AM) just so I can write. I look forward to watching my thoughts form words that I can’t always say, and I look forward to pouring out my prayers to God in writing, too. I love to write!
Do you remember the Mary Poppins song – “I love to laugh!”? That’s how I feel about writing. “The more I (write), the more I fill with glee and the more the glee, the more the merrier me!” Over the years, I’ve discovered many reasons to write, but for me, enjoyment is one of the most important.
And another is to keep those memories intact – whole, undamaged, unbroken, and real. Not to worry later if something really happened or if I remembered it correctly or if I exaggerated it. And also to avoid rationalizing God’s active involvement in my life, crediting what happened to luck or a coincidence. Not to reduce his mighty work to a dim shadow instead of the vibrant reality of the Almighty Creator! Writing those memories allows me to savor that gift. To remember how He’s always been present in my life.
The psalmist writes in Psalm 77:11-12, “I will remember the deeds of the LORD: yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” And he also reminds us to “remember the wonders He has done” in Psalm 105:5. Writing helps us remember those “mighty deeds” and “wonders,” not wonder if they might not have happened. And when our faith needs strengthening, we have cherished memories to encourage us. The reality of God is our everyday lives. Memories to remember for a lifetime.
And maybe not just for our lifetime as writing also “tell(s) the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done” (Psalm 78:4).
In Malachi 3:16, “then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored His name.” As we leave behind this earth, our legacy – our scroll of remembrance of fearing and honoring and loving the LORD – is passed from one generation to another as we tell of his “wonderful deeds” (Psalm 75:1). Our writing – our scroll of remembrance – becomes our own Book of Psalms where we pour out our hearts to God. What breaks our hearts -- lost love and confused feelings and painful cries -- as well as what fills our hearts -- second chances and exciting opportunities and answered prayers. All passed on to those we leave behind.
Maybe the best things we do in life are those things we’ll never know about it.
In the meantime, I write and I remember and I’m grateful.