State Representative
Yet another election day has arrived, and with that day, a chance to make ourselves heard. Yes, our vote matters because we matter and what we stand for matters too.
How interesting it is to choose a person to stand in our place.
If I can’t go, who would best represent me? The way I think? The beliefs I have?
It’s easy for a volunteer to offer to go in my stead when things are running along swimmingly. When the economy is sound and there are no border problems and the water is as it should be. But what about when things are more difficult?
And why would someone volunteer to represent me anyway? What are their reasons? It’s an interesting question, I think.
Who wants to stand in my place and speak on my behalf and respect my opinions? Who can I trust to take my place?
I’ve cast my vote, and now I wait like everyone else to see who will stand in my place.
But pondering this election -- the candidates, what they stand for, their education and experiences, how well I know them or don’t know them -- all these things have made me also ponder my own state of representing the person that matters the most to me, Jesus Christ.
That’s what I’ve been thinking about as I’ve driven by the campaign signs and listened to the debates online and read the newspaper articles, and, of course, listened to the opinions of those I love and respect.
How am I representing Jesus on this earth? I’m standing in for Him. What kind of a job am I doing? Can He trust me to do it with integrity? Am I respectful to Him? Do I listen to what He has to say so that I can represent Him in the way He deserves?
My own state of the union address, I guess.
It’s easy to mark the ballot, but it’s really not easy to vote. There’s a lot to consider. But regardless of the outcome of this election, I’ll pray for the person who wins, for he or she will be my state representative, going to Austin in my place. And that matters.

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