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Collect the Details 

The green-cushioned cane chair squeaked when it swiveled, so I slid through the sliding glass doors and stepped outside, not wanting to wake my sleeping sisters. And I was so glad I did for God’s “Good Morning” to me that day, as I stood shivering in my blue pajamas on the 4th floor of the beach condo, rocked my world and trumphed the warmth and comfort inside.

Sitting inside, I could see the turquoise-tinted water of Seaside’s beach; standing outside, I could see beyond the colors all the way to the ocean floor below.

“Rock me mamma!”

Waking up to the lyrics of “Wagon Wheel” rolling around in my head, God rocked me out of a writer’s block that morning, a plaque that had pestered me for over a month.  

Get my notebook.

Collect the details.

Write what I see.

So I did: 

umbrellas like blue polka dots on a white tablecloth

the grey-planked walkway leading to the wooden steps trailing to the water

white S-shape sandbar island with 2 black freckles (birds?)

scrubby cluster of short, green, finger-spiked palms

a flimsy yellow flag that was not waving  

greenish-brown threads of seaweed

And as I wrote what I saw, God continued to rock my world, flooding me with love for Him, gratefulness for his creation, and appreciation for those people he personally put in my life. And on that balcony, I was reminded, too, that it’s not where I am that matters, but in whose world I live in that does - His.

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,”  Robert Herrick penned.

A great way to begin a morning of gratefulness.

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