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Text me, O LORD!


“Text me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;

for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.”

(Psalm 27:2-3 NIV).

I read the verse and jumped! Just for a moment, I really thought the scripture was asking God to text me.

But maybe there’s a point there.

Maybe the “test me” David prayed for can be seen in my daily texting.

By examining my texts, is it obvious that my heart and mind are focused on God?

By examining my texts, is it obvious I’m glorifying God?

By examining my texts, is it obvious that God’s place is first in my life?

Or not?

Mmmm….think I need this verse ever before me today, as I remember to “walk continually” in God’s truth and in his love.

God doesn’t text me, but he certainly reads mine.

And it'll be obvious by the end of the day whether I'm passing that test.


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