Circumstances change; God does not
This morning I received an email from our darling friend Vicki who was at the hospital with her parents. Yesterday at church, her father fell backwards down six stairs and now has a serious brain injury and is on a ventilator. He hasn’t regained consciousness since the accident and Vicki is helping her mom, also heartbroken, to cope. Obviously, Vicki will not be with us this Wednesday, July 11, for Bible study.
I am praying for Vicki and her parents. I know you will, too.
In discussing God's immutability, AW Tozer said, "In coming to Him at any time we need not wonder whether we shall find Him in a receptive mood. He is always receptive to misery and need" and "today, this moment, He feels toward his creatures, toward babies, toward the sick, the fallen, and the sinful, exactly as He did when he sent His only begotten Son into the world to die for mankind" (Knowledge of the Holy). And so, we continue to lift up the needs of the Porters to our God who receives our prayer with compassion and love.
And knowing without a doubt that all of you ladies attending wouldn’t want Gana or Donna or me to sing – we don’t call ourselves the Babblelettes for nothing! -- I called Janis Brening who will be singing for us next week, and she graciously agreed to sing for us along with her two daughters, Hannah and Leah, as well! When I told her we were studying the woman with the issue of blood, the woman Jesus stopped to heal while he was on his way to heal Jairus’s 12-year-old daughter, Janis told me that 12-year-old Hannah was playing charades the other day and that story was the one she acted out. Ah. I mean, awe.
We hear you, Lord. We stand in awe. We didn’t know this would happen, but you’ve got our backs. All our backs. Vicki's, her dad's, her mom's. All of us. Amen.
Please join us in praying for sweet Vicki and her dad and mom. And please continue to pray that God be glorified through this study and through the Brening’s beautiful music.
Circumstances change; God, however, does not.
Manna of God is pleased to announce that Janis Brening and her daughters, Hannah and Leah, will open our first summer Bible study session with beautiful music testifying to their love of Christ.
Janis and her husband Ron have been in the ministry for over 25 years, and Janis is currently a stay-at-home mom who home schools her youngest daughter. Besides singing on a Worship Team at her church, she is also part of the Mathis Trio who will sing for us during the last session of Bible study on July 25.
“There is nothing greater than sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in song,” Janis says.
And how happy we are that she is coming to share with us!

Text from Vicki with an awesome update on her dad:
"Can't believe it - dr just took him off of the vent - is breathing on his own for first time! Still critical but huge step in right direction. Thank you all for the prayers!"
Kiss! Kiss! (You would have known this wasn't Vicki unless I put that in!)

From Vicki:
"We are encouraged that dad is breathing on his own, but he is getting combative and angry and has had to be very restrained at the chest and arms-- trying to climb out of bed! They said he had a rough night and we have been here for about an hour. SO glad my mother is letting me take her home at night-- she is taking this really hard and I am concerned how this will impact her health as well.
I am overwhelmed by the response of prayer and love showered on us-- I am truly blessed to be a part of the body of Christ! I think this could be a pretty long "haul", but my intention is to return to work next week, and to make my base here at their home so I can be with my mother at night-- can't imagine her being alone just yet.
A skilled nursing center at a nearby nursing home is probably the next step, according to the nurses, if he survives this crisis-- so we are definitely at the Turning Point I have been expecting.
I just pray that God will be merciful and not let him linger if his mind cannot be healed. They said the worst part of his brain "bleed" is in the front and that is the part that controls personality and emotion. He may never totally come back, so they are preparing us as best they can.
Will keep you posted. My heart is with you for the Bible Study tomorrow."
God Bless, Vicki

Latest update on Vicki's dad:
From Vicki -- "Transferring today out of ICU - long way to go but we are thankful! His mind has not come back yet, but his heart is stable."
Know they are appreciating all the prayers.
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