Punch the Button
We waited in a room jam-packed with people we didn’t know. The hostess at the restaurant had gestured us off to a side room to wait for our table. Twenty or so hungry customers waiting for a delicious meal.
So Ian and I did what people do in a room filled with strangers: we made small talk -- casually commenting on the weather, complimenting a dress, inquiring where they were from, asking what they had heard about the food -- idle chit-chat my husband is so good at doing even though he would never call it chitchat! Ian Bader could write a blog called: “I Never Met a Stranger!”
“I guess they have a full house tonight.”
“It’s really hot outside.”
“I’m hungry! Heard the steaks were great!”
“Where are y’all from?”
And then the ultimate howdy -- “We’re Aggies, too! What year?”
And then the Gig’ems started, as they always do, in a room filled with people who are filled with the Spirit of Aggieland. And the time we spent waiting to be seated became a time of sharing about that school we hold so grand. And after awhile, we almost forgot what we were waiting for! Almost!
Until someone spoke rather loudly, “I wonder why it’s taking so long!”
At which point, the hostess appeared, concerned, and asked, “Did y’all punch the button?”
“Huh? Button?”
Turned out we were waiting in an elevator!
Oh, the Aggie jokes!
That incident happened quite a few years ago, but we’ve never forgotten it. It will always remain a memory that makes us laugh regardless of the time that has passed.
But this morning I thought about it again. And a different Spirit filled my soul as I did. A Holy Spirit who gently reminded me that I needed to punch the button. That it was good to enjoy the casual conversations and common experiences and chit-chat. And it was really good to enjoy life -- getting to know people, making new friends, and spending time with those I love.
But I also needed to begin each day by punching the button. Going where the food is. Seeking the noursihment first. For that’s where the food is that feeds my soul.
“My food,” Jesus told his disciples in John 4:34, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” Jesus was nourished by his relationship with His Father.
A gentle reminder from the Holy Spirit that there’s more to a day than filling a day.
First, I need to punch the button.

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