Pause Briefly!
My favorite mornings are not the ones when I’m immediately confronted with something that happened the day before. Something small and insignificant, yet irritating enough to stir up my day before I’m fully awake. Or try to, anyway, if I dwell on it.
This morning’s devotional from Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling reminds us to “bask in the luxury of being fully understood and unconditionally loved.” Enough said. God is good. And then she reminds us to “pause briefly” as we go through the day, listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
This morning, I needed to be reminded to pause even before I got out of bed!
To pause in His Presence, dwelling not on what irritates me, but concentrating on the One who dwells in me, the one who turns those irritants into a pearl of His making – now that’s a great morning!
“…God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Romans 5:5b).

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