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Watching and Waiting and Wondering 

I was pulling weeds in our garden one Saturday morning, and our fourteen-year-old beagle, Riley, was watching me from the porch. He had quit following me around the yard and plopped himself down to rest.  Most of the time his eyes were shut, but occasionally, as I walked by, he’d crack open one eye and stare at me. He didn’t get up, he didn’t even move, but he simply looked to see if there was anything worth standing up for – food preferably.

Watching him watch me, I wondered if that’s what I look like to God sometimes. Plopped down. Napping. Chilling. Not moving too much. Waiting for something good to be tossed my way. And occasionally, just occasionally when His presence was so obviously felt, I’d open one eye – ever so slightly - to see if there was anything exciting going on that I should bother to rouse myself.

Ole’ Riley was missing a lot as the garden is a zoo of activity even when the weather isn’t the most pleasant. Stray, grey cats waiting to pounce on innocent goldfish in our homemade water garden. Annoying moles and scampering squirrels. We even saw one frisky squirrel climb into a bird feeder only to find himself in the precarious situation of being stuck. Then there are these crazy frogs who croak like they’re on a never-ending diet of steroids.

And my darlin’ dog was missing it because he didn’t bother to stand up and stay close by me as I worked; he was happy where he was. 

And that got me thinking of all the times – known and unknown – when I’ve done that same thing. When I’ve missed out on the exciting activity in God’s world because I was quite content just watching and waiting.

God strategically places us to watch and to wait and to wonder, but also to believe and expect and be ready. I’ve probably missed divinely orchestrated opportunities because I didn’t want to stand up, but there’s still a flurry of activity in God’s world.  Plenty of opportunities to marvel at what the God of the Impossible can do. And sometimes important opportunities are disguised as times when all we seem to be doing is waiting and watching and wondering.

I’m going to remember that today as I go to work, and to the gym, and to the grocery store, and to my husband’s office, and to all the places where I find myself. I’m going to remember to keep my eyes wide open and be ready.  And I’m going to pray that I don’t miss the magnitude of any more magnificent God moments!

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