Hunkering down during Hurricane Harvey
A fly fishing guide in Sedona, Arizona, once told us a story about a flood that battered the area where he lived.
The rain pounded, the wind gusted, the water churned, and the fish hunkered down as the flood ravaged the gorge, the creek, and its banks. But the local fish survived, he told us, because they hunkered down together as the flood waters pummeled the creek.
I took notes while he talked, knowing that God was speaking to me. Hunkering down seemed a good thing to do, especially in a storm.
The people of Houston, Texas, have hunkered down together. Turing off our television sets does not turn off the lingering images of roof-top rescues, nursing home evacuations, and homeless families. For thousands, earthly possessions are lost, future plans are uncertain, yet gratefulness has not been swept away by the storm and hopelessness has not ruled the day. Houston is hunkering down.
One synonym for the verb hunker is kneel. One definition for the verb hunker is to hold stubbornly to a position. To kneel, holding stubbornly to a position. Sounds like prayer to me. Our fishing guide told us that the fish that survived the raging storm swam down deep. Hunkering down, they rode out the storm together. Houston is doing the same.
And not just Houston, either.
“How can we help?” “What can I do?” Our hearts are moved in compassion. And compassion spurs us to action. We want to help.
Hunkering down before the Lord, I’m asking Him one question each day: “What can I do today, Lord, that I normally wouldn’t do?” Help me not to concentrate on what I can’t do, but give me one thing, Lord, just one thing that I can do to help.
Thank you, Lord, for Your Presence, for the desire to help others, and for the gift of hunkering down. In turbulent times, may our faith grow in you and not be swept away by the storms. Amen.

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