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Entries by Becky Bader (158)


"All roads lead to Johannesburg."

The last trip we took with Reid, he rescued us from missing our DC flight by sending an airline attendant with a wheelchair to help his parents “who needed some help!” And we certainly needed that help, too, making the flight in the nick of time as I stuck my hand through the door as they were closing the gate. Just in case you were wondering, that’s why Ian and I were 4 hours early for this trip. But we do appreciate all the help we can get, and the Ker & Downey people certainly know how to help! So far, fabulous trip! We love those guys with the signs that have our names on them! No worries with them around! No worries at all!

We’re excited that Ian’s rib isn’t hurting, and there were only a few screaming children on our Emirates flight; and even those were really cute kids. I liked the little girl who kept grabbing everyone’s hair when her mother carried her down the aisle.

We flew over Baghdad, which was overwhelming to me because I realized before how Baghdad, in my experiences, was simply a Proper noun. Not so simple really, but not real either. But there it was. On the map, but as close as I’ll probably ever be. And then that might be the closest I’ll ever get to the Holy Land as well. Well, in this earthly life, that is.

And now, after a six-hour layover in Dubai at the Dubai International Hotel -- which took us five minutes to get to once we landed and where I saw the most beautiful woman draped in a shimmery, silver, silk scarf (made me think of Bathsheba for some reason) -- we’re on our way to meet Reid in Johannesburg before continuing our adventure.

“All roads lead to Johannesburg,” Alan Paton wrote in Cry, The Beloved Country. And now mine is leading there, too.


South Africa: A Great Start 

Texting Reid with the news that we had arrived 4 hours early for our flight to Dubai, we decided to eat, only to be astonished when the waiter greeted us by name. Oh goodness! A 2001 Bellville HS graduate, former student and friend of our son Will. And a great start to our adventure, a reminder that the place we leave behind is a fabulous town full of wonderful people and lots of love. We're grateful.


South Africa: Through Security

We have been x-rayed, patted down, and passed through security, but we're so giddy with excitement that nothing's bothering us even though the security lady commented, "What is this?" when she patted my stomach! "I'm growing old gracefully," I answered. And then I wondered if maybe I should have discussed the laser fat-zapper with my dermatologist after all! Too late now!


South Africa: Our Adventure Begins!

After three months of anticipation and excitement, of planning and wondering, the day has finally arrived, and we will soon be on our way to South Africa!

Our bags have been packed for days even though we did have to repack after Reid, our son who works for Ker & Downey, the travel company who planned our trip, pointed out a few items that were “ridiculous,” including three packages of gum the size of Africa as he assured me there was gum in the airports. And then there was another large box of band-aids and Benadryl and Dramamine and Zantac and Metamucil (not that we take all of that, just like to be prepared!) and of course, blood pressure medicine and estrogen and….After Reid’s intervention, the prescriptions stayed; the rest unloaded except for a sampling of each.

Ian’s suitcase, however, was totally revamped. And since he has a cracked rib cage, it’s a good thing since I’m going to be the one to lug his stuff around. Well, in and out of the car anyway. Reid assures me Ker & Downey takes over from there.

Getting his pedicure!When Reid told his dad in February that they would charge him for two seats instead of one on the smaller aircrafts, Ian’s banker-instinct surfaced and he’s now lost 50 pounds, thanks to healthy eating. He’s discovered man can live without bread. Not that he likes it, but he certainly likes the benefits. His back is stronger and oh how he struts his stuff, modeling all the new clothes we’ve bought. In fact, every time I’d suggest he pack, he’d walk out of the bedroom in a new outfit! I’ve had the most fun watching Ian model his safari clothes each night. Last night he even fell asleep wearing his new safari jacket! What can I say? My husband of 33 years is darling!

And now that he’s had his pedicure, we’re as prepared as we can possibly be!

So, off we go to the Beloved Country that Alan Paton writes about so beautifully. To the land where the hills are “lovely beyond any singing of it.” To another land God created. To a place where I’m praying He overwhelms as only He can do.

Off we go!

The adventure begins!


Week One: If Jesus...( July 11 - 9:00 AM - Bellville United Methodist Church)

If Jesus was who they said he was, then he was worth it all. If he was God, he was worth the risk. And she definitely took a risk by braving the crushing crowds and the demoralizing stigma of her illness to touch his clothes.  

And when he asked – “Who touched me?” – she knew that she couldn’t get away unnoticed.

This isn’t a story; it’s a life – a real life encounter with Jesus Christ.  A woman who lived an ostracized, powerless life found life in the powerful, personal touch of Jesus.

And she learned a powerful truth:  we cannot go unnoticed. We may want to; but he won’t let us.

“Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet”(Luke 8:47 NIV).

….a few notes from our upcoming Manna of God Summer Bible Study in Bellville.

Wednesday, July 11 at 9:00 AM;

Wednesday, July 18 at 9:00 AM;

Wednesday evening, July 25 at 6:30 PM

Please join us as we explore the lives of three New Testament women whose loves answer the question, "Is Jesus Enough?"